Discipleship Path Modules
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Disciple-Makers given access from pastors / disciple-making leaders as needed
waypoint discipleship path
hub training 9/22/24
Overview of Disciple-Making at Waypoint
Explanation of the Waypoint Discipleship Path
Vision for leading and training
Foundation, part 1
Unpacks two identity questions and the central formation passage
Introduces 3-fold pathway
Provides work to do before next session
(Can be split into two sessions, if desired, to make first session primarily relational)
foundation, part 2
Share work prepared in the week with one another - Use summary question
Teach Biblical Principles passages
Reteach central formation passage using SOAP format
Explain the Details to Know portion
Call for Commitment / Use that section to give next steps
Gospel Influencer - Identity 1
Biblical Teaching portions
Determine which gospel for SOAP Journal
Introduce / Utilize Prayer Tools
Use Gospel Fluency Tools (assessment, etc.)
Determine experiences needed
Take time in this identity to experience Group Dynamics
Determine where Rest Stops needed on the path
Worshiper - Identity 2
Biblical Teaching portions
Our Heart impacts our worship (resource)
Individualized SOAP reading plan for Journal
Introduce / Utilize / Add new Prayer Tools
Weave through Emotionally Healthy Spirituality resources
Individualized T-Plan Evaluation
Determine experiences / rest stop needed for depth