Waypoint Faith Roadmap

Points to help strengthen your path of faith

Tipping Points– Waypoints that build personal faith

Tipping Points are moments in life that build faith, that when connected, offer a new vantage point. 

·     Spiritual emptiness– recognizing life is lacking without God 

·     Spiritual hunger– willing to ask spiritual questions & consider things of faith

·     Hardships– See God is with you in the hardest of days

·     Joys– Realize God gives you all you enjoy in the besft days


Vantage Points– Waypoints that offer a faith perspective

Vantage Points are markers that help us to see a faith perspective through life’s Tipping Points.   

Four Vantage Points of Faith help us to better walk His path, taking steps of faith and joining with His mission.

·     Belonging– Seeing God’s gift of community for life (unconditional, serve/love others)

·     Believing– Seeing God’s grace & guidance in detours of life (faith in any season)

·     Becoming– Seeing God’s new identity for life (disciple, secure, forgiven, equipped)            

·     Blessing– Serving God’s mission by blessing another life (serving, going, giving, discipling)

Turning Points– Waypoints that demand a faith surrender

Turning Points result when tipping points connect a faith perspective and the Spirit brings a conviction to surrender. 

·     Gospel Hunger– asking spiritual questions & pursuing to understand faith

·     Gospel Impact– Salvation, new life; walking in direction of repentance; baptism

·     Gospel Maturity– Personal spiritual growth multiplied into generations of new disciples

·     Gospel Responsibility– Burden to take the gospel to the other side of the street 

·     Gospel Reach– Passion for a gospel reach to the other side of the world