Waypoint Values

Waypoint’s motives for applying faith in everything we do in life

Forging Resilient Faith 

·     Faith grows strong when lived daily 

·     Faith becomes resilient in the fire of life and trials

·     Faith shines brighter in dark times

Pursuing True Joy

·     True joy comes through surrender

·     True joy comes through contentment 

·     True joy lasts when we live to serve others

Risking Grace with People 

·     Restoring relationships means trusting God first

·     Choosing to overcome the mess in life requires we offer grace

·     Loving broken people reflects grace like Jesus offers

Mobilizing His Church for Mission

·     Realizing our purpose to live faith inside the home & outside the walls

·     Sending gifted believers to every man, woman and child in our local context

·     Joining kingdom work to reach the ends of the world until the end of time